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Just what DO the Scriptures say about the supernatural?


At just about any time during the day or night, one can turn on their television and find a show about the paranormal- Ghosts, Aliens, Demons, Big Foot. Our society has become enamored by anything that goes bump in the night. We turn to other people, and to science for our answers, but maybe what science doesn’t know yet, or has failed to share with us, is that many of these questions may have their answers written in the texts of ancient civilizations.


In this section I want to focus on what the Bible tells us in regard to the supernatural. As a Biblicist, I know that we are encouraged to seek out the Truth and leave no stone unturned, but for the sake of clarity, I want to begin my focus on the Scriptures. I encourage you to read further in your own pursuit of the truth.



Many Christians don’t realize that Satan and his 300,000 angels fell to earth, where they were worshipped as gods, shared forbidden knowledge with the people, and sired sons with the daughters of man. All of this can be found within the first chapter of Genesis. So as a believer that tells me- if my religious fathers recorded their encounters with a supreme deity- wouldn’t those who worshipped these fallen devils do the same? When you are armed with biblical wisdom, and the spirit of truth, delving into these other writings can actually help build on your faith, and understanding. However, the root of it all, at least in my spiritual sojourn, is The Holy Bible, so let’s begin answering some of our questions about the paranormal, beginning with The Word of God..

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