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Every Soul Ponders

It's Origin


The Bible, is just one of many ancient texts, but is unique in that it has transended time and culture, and bears witness to a flase history. This blog will use science and the ancient texts, both biblical and historical, to discover the truth about our ancestors, and our origins. Science has spent years trying to disprove God, when science it's self is testament of an intelligent creator, as made evident by nature- the Nature of the planet, and of man.

Science In The Bible

Biblical Proof of Divine Inspiration



The Holy Bible, as well as other ancient religious and historical texts paint a different picture than the story we are told by academia today. Our modern version of history would have us believe that ancient peoples were less intelligent, less civilized, or less advanced, in technology and in scientific thinking, but this is a lie. The Bible shows us evidence, that ancient cultures were 1,000's of years ahead of us in understanding.


Explore these and other truths, in the Blog section, and make up your own mind. History proves that the word of man is fallable, but the word of God, is everlasting Truth!

Ancient Aliens?

What does the Bible really say about little green men?


Although there is no known race of little green men mentioned in the Bible, the Bible does say that Jesus Christ and his followers ARE ALIENS. More than that, by definition, God can be considered the very first Alien being, known to have been reported by man.


You might be shocked to know that the Bible, as well as hundreds of other ancient scripts describe accounts of Alien activity since the very beginning of time. Explore what science and religion have had to say about Extra terrestrials throughout history, and it's signifficance in today's culture.

Paranormal Scriptures

Ancient Accounts of Paranormal Activity


You would be surprised to find that The Bible has several instances of paranormal occurances, and is full of information to help us understand the unseen world around us.


The Truth may be scarrier than you think. From monsters, to spirits, vampires and aliens, the Bible and other ancient religious texts of the time, contain information about these mysterious subjects. You might be surprised to find that what you were taught the Bible says and what is actually written, are two very different things.

World Defined By Religion

How have ancient beliefs shaped the world we know today?


This Site is dedicated to unraveling the mystery of how Religion has influinced, and shaped culture and the world around us. From our holiday practices, traditions, superstitions, legal and religious institutions.


More about our present day culture can be attributed to the Bible than one may realize. The goal of this site is to prove, beyond religion or personal belief, that the Bible is evidence of an advanced culture, that was just as much, if not more intelligent, than we are today- that the history of schience as we know it, is false- and that there is always more than what meets the eye.  If you have any information you would like to contribute to this site, or have suggestions for topics, please feel free to contact us.

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